
586 posts

70 years ago: a prayer to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization.

June 6, 1944 our President led the nation in prayer to God. The American people welcomed this prayer.  Notice FDR did not speak of many Gods or many faiths or many religions.  He asked that the will of Almighty God be done. Today, we seek protection from a moment of silence offered to a god of our own choosing. Today, we are too proud to seek protection of the one true God.    May God have mercy on our land.   Franklin Roosevelt’s D-Day Prayer June 6, 1944   My fellow Americans: Last night, when I spoke with you about the fall of Rome, I knew at that moment that troops of the United States and our allies were crossing […]

Life is more than 140 characters

Our culture’s stars are judged by how well they please their audiences. When the pleasing stops, the appreciation stops–scorn may even follow. But for their brief moment on the culture’s stage, they appear as Psalm 73 says. They have no worries, and they seem to be in control and able to mock God and his ways without fear of consequence. Their tweets are valued as if they were some form of enchanted Kool-Aid. But this vision of the prosperity of those who scoff at God is fleeting; it lasts but a moment.  Surely you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin. Psalm 73:18 If you try to understand the “prosperity” of the culture’s stars without an […]

Better than gold, more attractive than jewels.

 Gold and precious stones are easy to acquire. All you need is money.  Thus, when the rich, the Hollywood stars, the sports elite gather gold and glittering jewelry are everywhere to be seen. In the midst of the dazzling display of wealth you can hear the words of self-praise and the worship of created things. But what is rarely heard is knowledge that makes sense of life.   The wonders of man are easily obtained. Look at our culture, look at what is offered on commercials. All that is needed is a credit card to get what is wanted. But wisdom and knowledge that brings life and true wealth are indeed rare.   As Jesus teaches us in the gospels, […]

Are you worth more than birds?

Are you worth more than the birds or any other creature on the planet? Many would say no, you are not.  But God says there is a particular order to life.  God created life with an eye to his own plan and for his own glory. If random evolutionary process is the author of life then there is no purpose except to survive. If the ancient eastern religions are right and God is not separate from his creation, then one life form is just as significant as the next. Eastern mysticism and evolutionary thinking have become the dominate influence in western culture. Hollywood reveres the Dalai Lama.  Education is wed to evolutionary theory.  Christians on the other hand are accused […]

Why is God good?

God is good because of who he is.    He is not good because we like our circumstances.  He is not good because we deserve his goodness. He is not good because we have good health. He is not good because we may live in apparent safety compared to others. He is not good because it is a beautiful day.    God is good simply and profoundly because his own being and character defines goodness.  God is good even when our lives are torn by despair. God is good when a storm brings destruction. God is good when those we love become sick and we see the awful plague of death. God is good in ravages of war. God is […]

Why your children need confidence

Imagine if Jesus had said to Satan, “I’m not sure,” or “I will have to think about it,” when he was tempted. Of if Joseph had told Potiphar’s wife, “let’s talk about this.” Or if David had said to Goliath, “we must be tolerant of each other’s religion.” Jesus, Joseph and David confidently, boldly confronted  temptations. Confidence in God’s truth is something you can’t do without. Otherwise, temptations will overwhelm and ensnare you and your children. Lack of confidence in God’s truth will make your teenagers sitting ducks for the attacks of Satan and the world.  Solomon’s reason for writing the Proverbs was so that young people could live life confidently, knowing and following what God wanted them to do […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Life is about more than time.   A Christian must not live as though time is all that matters.  As the hymn says, the sands of time are numbered. They are contained in an hourglass crafted by God for his glory. One day the last grain of sand will sink to the bottom of the glass. When this happens God will not turn the hourglass over. When the last grain falls, life on earth will also fall.    Don’t live your life for sinking grains of sand. Live it for the glory of the King of Kings!   The Sands of Time are Sinking   The sands of time are sinking, the dawn of Heaven breaks; The summer morn I’ve […]

Give us today our daily bread – a plea or an entitlement?

Why do you think you will eat your next meal? Serious question! In our culture most of us plan on eating each day.  So the words of the Lord’s Prayer about giving us our daily bread seem like a ritual that has little practical value. It is nice to say, but if I forget, I am still going to eat. The truth is that is a presumptuous statement.  Someone might say, “well that’s funny, because I didn’t ask God for food, but I ate what I wanted anyway.”  You see, that is the issue. We want to eat, so therefore, we are entitled to eat. This thought assumes that you and I are in control of the essential details of […]

The Virgin Quarterback

Tim Tebow is one of, if not the most, iconic and polarizing figures in modern sports. He had an 8-5 record as a starting pro quarterback in 2011. Not bad by today’s standards. He even led his team to a playoff victory. But then, barely after his career had begun, it was over. There were many reasons given as to why. He couldn’t pass. He was at the center of a constant media circus. He was too overt about his faith. He ran too much. He would kneel in prayer when something good happened. So, despite his winning record, there was no room on the field for him. In the NFL, winning is supposed to be the main thing, unless […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day.

Worship – your life depends on it. Our world is changing. The gospel is our only hope! Peter Jones: From its founding until the 1960’s American culture was defined by patriarchal, heterosexual and Judeo-Christian presuppositions. In one generation, this worldview has been largely replaced by a radically egalitarian, omnigendered, pansexual, multi-religious and One-ist, (i.e. eastern thought) belief system that has turned our contemporary world upside down.