God’s mercy and your worship


Suppose you received mercy from God proportionate to the mercy you display to others.

Not a comforting thought is it? Actually, it is a disturbing thought! But is it disturbing enough to result in repentance?

Today is a day we set aside for corporate worship. You will praise God for his mercy. But will your praise result in you being more merciful? If if doesn’t then your praise will be empty and self-serving. God doesn’t call you to worship just so you can have a moving experience. He calls you to worship that leads to repentance. He calls you to be merciful as he is merciful. God’s mercy is a sign of greatness.

Thus worship is a response to greatness. When you consider who God is, you cannot help but bow before him. It is always appropriate to be blown away by greatness of God. There is none like him.

Worship is a response to power. When you consider that God holds your life in his hands, when you consider he holds and controls the vast expanse of the universe together by his will, when you consider that Christ has defeated the forces of evil on the cross, what can you do but worship.

Worship is a response to holiness. When Isaiah was in the very presence of God his response was to be totally undone. Worship should leave you with a profound awareness of God’s holiness and your own unworthiness.

If you are caught up with the greatness, power, and holiness of God, then you will be overwhelmed with his mercy extended to you. When this happens worship will flow like a river from your soul.

Shepherd Press