Thanksgiving is a distant memory. Christmas and New Years Day have come and gone. The Superbowl is over.
What’s next?
The TV commercials and the displays at the stores and supermarkets say that Valentine’s Day is next. Then chocolate hearts give way to chocolate bunnies. All we have to do is follow the important dates on the calendar, add in birthdays and anniversaries, and a few special events. This is what life is all about.
Is this how we are supposed to mark our lives, living from one date on the calendar to the next? Is this what Paul means when he says to take hold of life that is truly life?
You can get your children’s attention by following the calendar, but you will never win their hearts this way.
What matters in life, your children’s lives, is relationships. God designed you for relationships that cannot be measured by dates, parties and ceremonies. Don’t misunderstand, celebrations are good things. The Bible commands celebrations. However, celebrations are not the main thing! Relationships transcend celebrations and things. Our relationship with God carries us from this life to next. Relationships do not end when the date changes.
You are moving towards a reality where there will be no calendar to mark the time. Why, because time will be no more. What will remain are the relationships in which you have invested.
Invest wisely.
You always have more to invest in the lives of your children and your spouse, no matter the size of your bank account. Your ability to love will never diminish. Invest in those things that will grow into eternity. Invest in the Spirit’s fruit. Endow your family with life that is truly life.
One thought on “Is There More To Life Than the Calendar?”
Jay – This is so true!! Thanks for reminding me what is important and close to our kids’ hearts and our Father’s heart!