As far as the government is concerned your authority as a parent is gone. You can believe that you still have control over your family, if you choose to believe in fantasies. But the reality is that it is government who decides what is moral for your family. Don’t bother mentioning God in this discussion – his law has been ruled unconstitutional! At least that is how the government sees things.
An innocuous sounding announcement by White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, has cast a dark shadow over the American family. The current administration has yielded to the court order of a U.S. District judge to make the Plan B morning after pill available to women of all ages. Here is the quote from Secretary Carney as quoted by the Washington Times:
“We have been through a legal process and the court has ruled against the administration … It was the decision, given the court ruling, to proceed with making the simpler version of Plan B available.”
Just to be clear, this decision to not appeal the ruling means that a 10-year-old girl will be able to walk into a pharmacy and purchase a morning-after-pill designed to prevent or end a pregnancy. She will not need anyone’s permission to do so.
The dismantling of parental authority is complete. The precedent has been set – parents have no legal authority over the sexual activities of their children and have no authority to restrict the use of a medication which could be harmful to them.
This refusal to act by the administration clearly shows how the biblical view of marriage, parenting, and sexuality has been cast aside in our culture and country. There is outrage at the loss of privacy in electronic communication. But this attack on the family and sexual purity is far more devastating.
Bringing the gospel to the lost around us is the only path of protection for your family and for your children’s children. As a church we have too long focused on the abundant educational and cultural opportunities that exist for our families. We have pursued these things at the expense of pursuing the proclamation of the gospel.
Your ten-year-old, your twelve-year-old, your fourteen-year-old each have many rights. Among those rights is the ability to buy a pill to end a pregnancy with or without parental consent. Don’t miss the point. This is just the beginning. The day is near when teaching your children to believe the Bible will also be illegal.
The gospel is our only hope!
For more background look at Instructing a Child’s Heart at Look for follow-up posts on the importance of formative instruction.
One thought on “Parental Authority also Sacrificed on the Altar of Sexual Promiscuity”
Well said Jay… Between this and the for-profit abortion mill, it brings to mind Nehemiah 5:4-5:
4 There were also that said, We have borrowed money for the king’s tribute, and that upon our lands and vineyards. 5 Yet now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children as their children: and, lo, we bring into bondage our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are brought into bondage already: neither is it in our power to redeem them; for other men have our lands and vineyards.