Teaching your children to honor God’s authority by obeying quickly and pleasantly has many blessings. One of these blessings is to learn to avoid the world’s wisdom, no matter how attractive it may appear. For example, there is the lie that there can be safe sex outside of marriage. For those of you who missed it, last Monday, September 26, 2011, was WCD day. WCD stands for World Contraception Day. This year the day was sponsored by such institutions as Bayer Health Care, Planned Parenthood, and at least nine other like-minded groups. According to a Fox News report, WCD advocates raise questions such as this one:
Monthly Archives: September 2011
Over the time that your children are in your home you will give them many gifts. Some will be small. Some will be huge. Some will be foolish and unwise. Some will be well thought out. Some will be unappreciated. Some will be cherished. This is the nature of gifts. The one sure way you can know if your gift is good is if your gift is one that is commanded by God. Parents often don’t think of obedience as a gift. But teaching your children to obey is among the most precious gifts that you can possibly give. Paul puts it this way in Ephesians 6:1-3: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your […]
Life in the middle of a world that is hectic, demanding, and difficult can weigh heavily on the minds of parents. Because of this it is easy to forget the impact you have on your children. Parent, you are your child’s world. Even when your children become teenagers their life centers around their interaction with you, even if that interaction is unpleasant. For younger children, what Mom and Dad think of them is their world. Proverbs 16:15 makes this point: When a king’s face brightens, it means life; his favor is like a rain cloud in spring. Yes, I realize you are not a king or a queen. But to your children you are the most important person in their […]
Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Despite rumors and concerns there were no follow up attacks in the United States. Which raises the question – are you safer today than yesterday? We addressed this in the last post – we are only truly safe if we belong to Christ. To help underscore this truth, Proverbs offers some helpful commentary. Note the relevance of these words. Discuss it with your children. Thank God for it in your prayers. The Lord is our confidence. Praise his name! 21 My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight; 22 they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. 23 Then […]
It has been ten years. The normal reply would be, ten years since what? But this weekend, everyone remembers what occurred on September 11, 2001. The rumors are swirling of a 10-year anniversary attack. Is it possible for history to repeat itself? Are you and your children truly safe?
The sky displays the glory of God for those who long to see it. Those who don’t know God reject the testimony to God’s power and greatness; they have no choice but to suppress God’s truth. But Christians have no such restriction. We can freely gaze at the amazing power of God in the sky each day, appreciating its awesome display. But most of us are too busy to take much notice of the daily display of the glory of God. When we’re on vacation, we are more likely to notice the work of God above us if we are in some scenic spot. But what about Monday morning? What about today? Moms, Dads, kids, teenagers—all of us will be […]