Monthly Archives: March 2015

28 posts

A gateway to gossip

“Did you hear about…” These words are a gateway to gossip. These words can entice you to be part of an ugly communication chain. Someone comes to you and instead of saying “did you hear about…” he says: “Let me tell you about the marriage I am helping to destroy.”  Suddenly, when stated this way, this information is not so attractive! If something you hear cannot be verified it is dangerous. There is precious little verification attached to the flood of information we encounter each day. Verification is not popular because it requires time, restraint, and careful investigation. Lack of verification leads to gossip. What is gossip? Gossip is spreading information which you or others don’t need to hear. If […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Who controls time? By an act of Congress our clocks are adjusted by an hour twice a year. By the will of the Lord of the Universe all time proceeds just as he has planned. Your God is never perplexed about time, never worries about being late, everything always happens at the exact second he has planned. Your God tells you not to worry. Time belongs to him, he created it. One day time will be no more! How cool is that? Take comfort that your God rules time. You can trust what he controls. Hear what the Holy Spirit says about how intimately God is involved in the time of your life. A thousand years in your sight are […]

Why Is This Happening?

Regardless of whether one is rich or poor, wise or unwise, prepared or unprepared, the storms of life will come. Yet, when the storms come people are surprised. “Why is this happening?” We forget that we live in a sin-cursed world. We are told we can be safe. We can have insurance. We have healthcare. We have building codes. We have laws. We have safety devices. We believe we can protect ourselves. We believe that we are entitled to safety and peace.  We believe that the purpose of relationships is to make us happy and fulfilled. All these assurances ended at the fall. Don’t misunderstand, of course we should be wise, prudent and trusting. But, at the same time, we […]

Turning from conflict

Parents are to build relationships that honor God. James 3:17 is a remarkable summary of what biblical wisdom looks like in the face of conflict. This verse provides what you need to build relationships that bless your family and honor God. Below this verse is broken-down in bullet-point fashion. There is a personal question for you after each point. Compare this with how you interact with your family. There are six qualities illustrated in this verse of what wisdom from above looks like. Ask your children, your teenagers, your husband or wife how you are doing in these six areas of displaying wisdom. Don’t be defensive – listen and ask God for the power to show his wisdom, wisdom from […]

Christianity is not a spectator sport – it is war!

Christianity is not like being a fan of your local sports team. But, too often I fear we act that way. You follow your sports team, wear the appropriate team jersey to the game, buy a ticket to get in and then cheer for your team with all the other spectators in the stadium. Ah, you see what I mean. Joe Christian signs up at his local church. He puts on his Sunday clothing (he either dresses up or dresses down) puts some money in the plate and then watches the worship leader, musicians and pastors play the game, while he cheers or says Amen! This is not what being a Christian is all about. The main event in Christianity […]

Satisfaction Is Found Only In God

One of life’s hardest lessons is to realize that true satisfaction is found only in God. There are many pretenders but only God is sufficient to give meaning and purpose to your life. Apart from God every single relationship and endeavor you pursue carries the reality of disappointment. One of the cruelest things you can to do is to expect others to provide for you what can only be found in God. No human can bear the weight of being God for you. Practically, what does this mean? No child can bear the weight of being your satisfaction in life. This will cause you to either ask too much from them or to ignore the weaknesses. In either case you […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

The commanding greatness of Christ! The Apostle John saw reality as it truly is. He saw Jesus Christ honored for who he is. The person and presence of Christ is so commanding the creatures of heaven are blown away by him! They cannot help but respond to him in worship. May God so increase our awareness of Christ that every moment of our lives is impacted by his greatness, glory and power. May our lives show his greatness with every action we take. Will you join me as I seek forgiveness for thinking of life in terms of what I want and what makes me happy? Every moment of my life is an opportunity to respond to his greatness. I […]