Jay Younts

2263 posts
John A. (Jay) Younts wrote the Shepherd Press blog from 2007 through 2019. He is a ruling elder serving at Redeemer Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Moore, South Carolina. He has written Everyday Talk, Everyday Talk About Sex & Marriage, Finding the Right Track, the In Touch With Paul stewardship series, and What About War. He has studied and taught about biblical childrearing for 30 years. He and his late wife Ruth have five adult children.

Hope in the Quiet

Life can be crushing. People will turn evil. Emptiness will come. Hurt will run deep. And then our own sins find us out. Where do you go? Who is there to bind the wounds of your heart? Where is your hope? There is a river that runs from life through death to life again. It is the river of hope and strength when all else seems lost. One hell-bent man can bring a nation to its knees. One angry burst of words can send a relationship over the edge. One lost moment of anger and lust can devastate the soul. Where do you go, where do you flee, where is peace, where is hope? There is a river that runs […]

When Children are the Center

It sounds appealing and even noble to center life around your children. However, this thinking will only bring heartbreak instead of blessing. Only God can be the center of your life. Your children, or anyone else, cannot bear that weight! If your hopes and dreams are bound to your children, you will become disappointed, perhaps even bitter. If you expect your children to provide the comfort and support that can only come from God, you will be deeply hurt. You will set yourself up to be disappointed and crushed when your family fails you. No child, no spouse, no other person, can provide comfort that can only be found in God. God will have no other gods before him. Your […]

Life is about Control

Humans like to think that we are in control.  Whether you want to control your own life or believe that another person is in control of your life, the conclusion remains: life is about control. The human quest for control always ends in tyranny or depression. The simple truth is that humans were not designed to be in control. Humans labor mightily for control. Some will continue to fight to be in control. For others, once that battle appears to be lost despair, depression, disillusionment and discouragement settle in. And then there are those in the middle — fighting for control and feeling it slip away. The quest for control starts at birth. Babies naturally want to be fed, dry […]

It’s Monday

It’s early Monday morning, very early.  What makes this Monday different from last Monday?   Will I ask the same question next Monday? Will there be a next Monday? Will faith be deeper? Will hopes grow more distant? Will love bless or curse? Will I be bound by perceptions of weakness? Will fears make me less vulnerable? Will love curse or bless? Will I fear to risk? Will I run from my dream? Will I trust the light in the darkness? Will love bless or curse? Will I embrace death to know life? Will I nourish or starve? Will I honor doubt or truth? Will I trust? Will love bless? Will I have the courage to choose life? It’s early […]

What If?

What if you could see Jesus standing next to you? What if you could physically see Jesus next to you when: you argued with your spouse? you disciplined your children? your children were disrespectful to you? you were upset about being treated unfairly? you were tempted to lust? you acted on your anger? your friend threw you under the bus? you were cut-off in traffic? your team lost the game on terrible call by the officials? you had a flat tire? your check engine light came on? you are too tired to pray? You get the idea. Would your typical responses to any of these scenarios change if you could see Jesus standing right there with you? If the answer […]

The Promise of Daybreak

The monochrome of daybreak is warming to the touch of the sun. The air is still. The quiet of night is fading. Soon engines, birds, wind in the trees and the sounds of the morning will mark the new day. While there is wonder in how this day will unfold, there is no doubt that the steady hand of God will bring about what he has planned.  It is true, there is no promise this day will bring what I want, that I will be shielded from my deepest fears. There is only the promise that the One who gave his life for me will do what honors his great name. I pray that God will grant that this will […]

Faith + Courage = Gentleness

Gentleness requires at least two things: faith and courage. Faith Authentic gentleness is part of the Spirit’s fruit. Thus, faith is the only way to access the power of gentleness and show the wonder of gentleness.   Courage To do anything that is possible only by the power of God’s Spirit requires courage. Why? Because to follow God in any area means to deny the desires of our flesh. Being biblically gentle is not natural.  Now if you think being gentle is weak and non-confrontational, then you might not see why courage is needed. However, the Spirit’s idea of gentleness is all about confrontation and strength. Let me repeat that. Gentleness is about confrontation and strength! When a harsh or […]

Why Seasons?

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Monday was the beginning of Fall and Spring, depending on which side of the equator you reside. The Sun’s direction relative to the equator will be to the south until 11:19 p.m. December 21st when it starts its six-month journey northward again. This is the way it has been and the way it will be as long as God intends. The Sun’s annual trek means that the earth will be constantly exposed to changing angles of the Sun’s intense heat. It is this movement that produces our seasons.  The changing seasons produce the rains that produce the crops that feed and nourish you and me. Psalm 65 […]

The High Cost Of Anger

“She makes me so mad, I can’t stand it!” “He thinks only of himself, he doesn’t care if he hurts me or not. It’s maddening.” Did you ever say or think words like these? Well, you are not alone. But what do you gain by being mad, by being so angry you lose control? The answer: you gain nothing of value but you lose much that is valuable! Often, being angry brings such harm that the damage is difficult, if not impossible to repair. Of course, you think you have good reasons for being mad. You have been hurt and nothing will stand between you and your right to express anger. If you are miserable, then everyone else should be […]

A Tale of Two Young Men

This is a short story of two young men with two radically different views of the same treasure. One thought he could not live without the treasure and one who knew could not live with it. This is the choice is still relevant: should you live for what you can see or for what you can’t see? Moses, as a young man, was offered all the treasures of ancient Egypt. They were the best his world had to offer. Power, possessions, prestige — they were all his. All he had to do was be passive and enjoy the providential circumstances that were literally dropped in his lap. But he said no to all of that. Instead, he believed disgrace for […]