
163 posts

Watching God Work

Every four years, as Americans, we have the privilege of seeing God’s faithfulness displayed in the transition of the executive office of President. Four years ago, God made Barack Obama once again to be the President of the United States. Tomorrow, January 20th, if things go as planned, Donald Trump will also be made President by the power of God. These two men are radically different individuals. But they have this one thing in common, they each serve at the pleasure of the God of heaven and earth. The Holy Spirit makes this clear in places like Daniel 2 and Colossians 1:15-20. Here are Daniel’s words: “Then Daniel praised the God of heaven.  He said, “Praise the name of God […]

Raising Children Who Despise Themselves

It seems like such a simple thing. You ask your child to do something and in response, he quietly keeps playing with his toy. If the day is laid back and the request seems inconsequential, the negative response might be ignored. But, you decide to press on, so you ask again, this time a little more firmly, and then one more time. Your four-year-old grudgingly, slowly does as he was told. You breathe a sigh of relief, no harm done, at least he obeyed. But actually this little boy has taken a step down the road to self-hatred. Solomon warns that those who disregard discipline despise themselves. What appears to be just an inconsequential delay is actually helping a child […]

The Reigning Christ!

Joy is a response to the reign of King Jesus. It is the rule of Christ and not your circumstances that is your reason for joy. This is the theme of the second verse of Joy to the World: Joy to the World, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. God has done marvelous things.  It is true that there is much darkness and sadness in our world, but because of the Lordship of Christ, you have hope.  Things are not as they appear to be. Regardless of what the circumstances appear to declare, this one fact remains – the Savior reigns! There is more to life […]

Breaking News: God Is In Charge!

Just because politicians, the press, educators, and world leaders believe that God is subject to their laws, opinions and op ed articles does not change reality. The reality is that the Living God of the Bible, the Lord of the heavens and earth is in charge of the affairs of men. The idea of Jesus Christ being the only Savior of people is repugnant to many. The truth that God rules over man and has commanded how he should live and marry is even more outrageous in our progressive world. The wonder of the Holy Spirit putting the thoughts of God in written form in a book called the Bible is offensive to folks who say truth is where you […]

Rejoice In Judgment!

To rejoice in judgment seems a strange idea. Normally judgment carries the idea of revenge or retribution for evil. For those who have done wrong judgment is something to fear. And as we examine our own hearts, even though we may attempt to avoid the thought, we know judgment is coming. Then as we look around our neighborhoods, our cities, our country, our world what is good is overshadowed by what is evil. Even the creation itself suffers under godless disregard for the treasure that it is. Judgment is inevitable. So, again, why rejoice in judgement? If you or I were to judge, there would be no reason to rejoice. If the judicial system in our country were the ultimate […]

From Post-Modern To Post-Authority

The modern drift away from authority has had a negative impact on Christian families. Scripture says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Our culture is suspicious of this truth. If man is only the result of a random series of bio-chemical events, then the idea of being responsible to a divine authority has no validity–in fact, it is absurd. This is the mindset that today’s parents have been raised with. Here are some questions that are a reality check to see if your parenting reflects the culture’s view of authority or God’s. How many times do you have to ask your children to obey before they do so? Do your children respond pleasantly when you […]

God’s Approval Of Job’s Curse

In the third chapter of Job he recalls the total and horrific tragic events that brought overwhelming despair and agony to his life. He curses the day he was born and wishes that the day he was conceived would be erased. The chapter ends with these words: “What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true. I have no peace, no quietness. I have no rest; only trouble comes.” Job had suffered all that we dread as humans. God took his property, livestock and then, even his children. And on top of that he is inflicted with painful sores all over his body. Only his wife is left and she urges him to curse God […]

The Shopping Trip

Once I was shopping at the grocery store. An eager four-year-old started to wander off from her mother. The mother spoke to her child in a calm but icy voice. She said something like this, “I knew it was a mistake to bring you shopping. If you don’t come here right now, I’ll never take you shopping again.” The little girl sadly turned back to her mother with her head down. She was being treated as her mother thought she deserved. Mom seemed pleased that her power play worked. Often this tactic does not work, but for this little girl, earning her mom’s approval was all that mattered. For her part, Mom had no idea of the devastating impact of […]

Parental Authority Is a Good Thing

If we conducted an opinion poll of children raised in Christian homes not many would list parental authority as a blessing. This is a sad reality. Authority is a gift of God to his people and especially to families. Authority is often abused on the one hand or grossly neglected on the other. However, it is important not to frame your view of biblical authority based on abuses. Parental authority is a daily object lesson that all of creation is under the authority and rule of the Lord of the Universe. However, viewing authority as a gift requires an attitude adjustment for many.  Authority is said to curtail imagination, stunt creativity, restrict freedom, and diminish individual worth. This misconceptions have filtered […]

Teenagers: Listen First, Talk Later

Jesus tells the story of a father and his two sons. The father asks his first son to go work in the vineyard. The first son responds with a defiant no. So, the father asks his other son the same question.  This son, in sharp contrast, respectfully says that he will do what his father asked. So, on the surface of things, it appears one son is rebellious and one is obedient. This much is true, but not in the way it appears. In the story Jesus quickly adds that the first son changed his mind and actually did as he was asked. The other son never went to the vineyard. After telling this story, Jesus asked his listeners which […]