
163 posts

Like It Or Not, We Are Dependent On God

On July 4th, two hundred forty years ago, Americans declared their independence from England. England was not pleased with this declaration and went to war. But in the end, America had her desire—she was won her war for independence. But in what sense are people and countries ever independent? It is an enticing idea that a people or a country can independently forge their own destiny, write their own history. However, this idea is just as deadly as it is enticing. Reality is this: no country is free from the rule of the Great Sovereign of the Universe. Each person owes his next breath, and each country its next day of freedom, to the God of heaven and earth. Nebuchadnezzar […]

Who’s In Charge?

Requiring exact, immediate, pleasant obedience is a huge blessing.  This establishes the parent’s God-given authority and helps children to see the value of honoring God’s authority. However, it is possible allow children to become the center of the home and allow them to assume command. So it is important to ask, “who’s in charge?” Here is an example, that borders on the absurd, of what happens when a child is in charge: Mom asks her almost six-year-old son, Justin, to open the front door to let some fresh air in through the screen door. Justin replies, “Mommy, I’ll just turn on the fan instead.” “No, I want you to open the door now.” “Mommy, please can we just turn on […]

The Love of Safety Is Not Safe

There is nothing safe about the path leads to safety. Following God requires courage and boldness. There are enemies on every side, both spiritual and earthly. Living as children of light angers the forces of darkness. Jesus says that before we can live, we must die to ourselves. Raising children is a wonderful blessing, but the journey is not a safe one.  To tell your kids about God’s goodness and faithfulness requires courage and boldness. The pursuit of God is not safe, but it is only way to safety. It was not safe for the Israelites to be circumcised just before entering into battle with the Canaanites. The whole army was in pain and vulnerable to attack because they obeyed […]

Blue Avengers – Reflections On Romans 13

Twice each day tens of thousands of people walk away from a life that is much like yours. They leave their kids, their spouses, their pets, their lawns that need mowing, their bills, the struggles and joys of life. For the next 12 hours or so, they willingly become a target of all that is evil and wrong in this world. You see these folks at the grocery store, at a restaurant, in traffic, at the park. They look just like you, part of the busyness of life. But then, they put on the color blue, body armor, a badge, a weapon and become an avenger who brings the wrath of God upon those who would do you harm. None […]

Let All the Earth Fear the Lord

God’s message to the nations in Psalm 33 is a simple one: all of the earth is to fear the Lord. He is to be honored and revered because he spoke the world into existence. There was nothing and then there was the universe! That is awesome power! So, as the psalmist looks at the activities and plans of men and nations, he knows that they are subject to God’s plan and purpose. No nation can deter the plan of God. No leader can succeed against the purpose of God. As this election season enters it final phase, this is the one reality that must not be missed. God’s plans will go forward as he has purposed and man’s plans […]


Regardless of your method of schooling your children will have schoolwork to do at home. How you interact with your children while they are doing schoolwork has a huge impact on your relationship with them. Here are some positive ways you can interact with your kids and their schoolwork. Schoolwork issues generally fall into one or more of these three categories:  speed, neatness, and accuracy. Undergirding these three categories is the truth that all things must be done to the praise and glory of God. Here is an acronym you can use to help guide your children in doing their schoolwork: Schoolwork is a S.N.A.P. Speed means that work must be attacked diligently and consistently without interruptions. Neatness is a […]

God’s Message In the Snow For Washington, D.C.

For years the government leaders in Washington, D.C. have passed laws, written executive orders and made legal judgments without regard to God and his laws. These leaders have gone so far as to say it is illegal and unconstitutional to obey God in many areas of life. Because these same leaders have chosen to ignore the teaching of Scripture they fail to heed God’s direct word to them. For example, tonight a massive snow storm has totally shut down the nation’s capitol. This is seen as an inconvenience and will bring calls for more efficient warnings and snow removal. But the most important message, God’s message, will be dismissed by politicians and the media. The Holy Spirit in the book […]

When Your Child Says No

It seems like such a simple thing. You ask your child to do something and in response, either by word or deed, she says no. If the day is laid back and the request seems inconsequential, the negative response might even be ignored. But, you decide to press on, so you ask again, this time a little more firmly. Your four-year-old grudgingly, slowly does as she was told. You breathe a sigh of relief, no harm done. But actually this little girl has taken a step down the road to self-hatred. Solomon warns that those who disregard discipline despise themselves. What appears to be just a small bump in the road is deceptive as to the damage that is being […]

Pray for open eyes

“Lord open his eyes.” The prophet Elisha spoke these words regarding a man with normal eyesight. He could see everything there was to see with human eyes. But, obviously, there was something important that his servant was missing. If you and your children believe that all of what is important is what you can see with your eyes then you will both be severely hampered in life. How much time do you spend talking with your kids about the importance of what they cannot see? What is unseen is of far more importance than what we can actually see. Do your children know that you believe that? Parent, it is your job to help your children understand that what is […]

What to tell your kids about ISIS

In one way or another your children are hearing about the growing threat from ISIS. The attack on Paris is all too real. They will have questions, concerns and fears that need to be addressed. You can be sure that not once in the national media will you hear that the Living God of the Bible be called upon for protection. So what do you tell your children? First tell them that just because God is not acknowledged by the media and others does not mean that he is powerless. All of these attacks by ISIS are unfolding as God has purposed.  You can also point out that as a country we have begun to act as if God does not […]