
252 posts

Whew, it is not assault, it is only lust – no problem!

You may have read that the quarterback for the number one ranked college football team and a leading candidate for the famed Heisman Trophy was a person of interest in a possible sexual assault case. The Florida State Attorney’s office had to determine if there was a reason to bring charges of sexual assault against the quarterback. The female in the case claimed assault. The young man said that there was sexual activity but that it was consensual. On Thursday, December, 5, the States Attorney determined that there was not enough evidence to bring charges against the quarterback, so the case was dropped. So the hunt for the National Championship is still on and the Heisman Trophy is within reach. […]

Sexual purity – something to celebrate

Preparing your children to combat sexual sin should begin very early. It is never too soon to say that marriage is a wonderful blessing from God. When any discussions of sexuality arise, you should point out what is appropriate for marriage and what is not.  As your children grow older, your explanations will need to be more specific, until finally you arrive at the franker discussions needed to address the onset of puberty. But in the context of ongoing conversations, you have the privilege of positioning sexual behavior positively, within marriage. This sets the stage for you to have natural opportunities to demonstrate that when people choose to disobey God’s directives for sexuality, bad things happen.   Parents, you must […]

Things to learn from Deborah

Deborah was a Judge in Israel over 3,000 years ago. God has things for us to learn from her story. She has the distinction of being the only Judge of whom nothing negative is said by the Holy Spirit. Here are some of the qualities that all of us can learn from the narrative concerning Deborah.   Trust in God’s Word   Deborah did not need to have her trust in God confirmed by the responses of others. Her faith was strong, even when Barak wavered and said that she had to go with him into battle or he would not go. However, Deborah did challenge Barak with his lack of faith. This is something that women should not fear […]

California: new law says kids can have 3 or more legal parents.

Once again God’s direction for the family has been tossed aside by “enlightened” state legislators.    The Los Angeles Times internet edition on October 4th, ran a story about a bill signed by Governor Brown to allow for children to have more than two or more legal parents.    Here is the headline and sub-headline as it appeared online:   “Brown signs bill to allow children more than two legal parents   The bill — similar to one the governor vetoed last year — had been opposed as an attack on traditional family; proponents argued that the changing family structure needs to be addressed.”   The Times article goes on to say:   “The law will allow the courts to […]

The danger of living for your children.

We live in the age of the Child. Children are to be accommodated. They become the center of family life. So instead of training children, our modern world seeks to idolize them. Education can become a means to serve children rather than to teach them to sacrificially live their lives for God. Parents live for their children instead of for God. When this happens, nothing good is accomplished. Marriages are weakened because of this wrong-headed focus. Children can never meet the expectations of parents who worship them. Divorce and child abuse increase. In the end, all that is left is relational rubble.   It is this relational rubble that can also lead to children becoming cynical and disaffected by Christianity. […]

It is the law: self-perception, not God, determines gender!

Today, August 12th, the Governor of California signed into law an initiative requiring public schools to allow transgender K-12 students access to whichever restroom and locker room they want. According to Fox News, the new law gives students the right “to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities” based on their self-perception and regardless of their birth gender.   This new California state law, which reflects the beliefs of many national leaders, defies the role of God in assigning gender. Gender determination is now said to be defined by the “self-perception” of an individual. And, of course, this self-perception of gender might not be permanent. There are documented cases of individuals deciding they are one gender and then later deciding […]

Second-Hand Television

The “experts” have found something new to warn us about – second-hand TV. However, this time they might be on to something. USA Today reports that the American Academy of Pediatrics “for the first time included warnings about “secondhand television” in its guidelines for kids under age 2.” The article also includes the following quote: “Parents are distracted by TV the same way preschoolers are,” says Lisa Guernsey, author of the 2007 book Into the Minds of Babes: How Screen Time Affects Children From Birth to Age Five. She says young children learn much more from face-to-face interaction than a screen.” Ms. Guernsey has it right. The danger from ubiquitous TV is not just the content on the screen but […]

Interview with Kirk Cameron

Recently, I had the opportunity to catch up with my friend, Kirk Cameron, while he was fishing with 2 of his sons. During the interview you can hear the excitement as one of the boys hooked a fish! We talk about Kirk’s knew movie, Unstoppable, family life and the importance of the heart, as well as Kirk’s deep appreciation for Tedd Tripp and Shepherd Press. It is an enjoyable half hour.          

Introducing your children’s world

Children growing into adulthood encounter a seductive yet hostile world. They will enter a world which has written off the bible.  And any God who would be connected with the Bible is immediately viewed as a hateful bigot. The Bible itself has been ruled irrelevant, largely because of its teaching on sexual activity and marriage. Modern culture has unceremoniously moved on from the Bible and its views of morality. Three “modern” replacements have been found to succeed the supposed outdated structure of biblical Christianity. Here are the replacements: Public opinion has assumed the role of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. The media has replaced the preacher / pastor as the one who interprets and then instructs us about how to […]

The violence of class warfare, civil unrest, and the heart

The heart is what drives us. Author Tedd Tripp has had a huge impact on how to raise children by stressing the importance of the heart. This quote is typical of Tripp’s insight: “Evil thoughts, theft, malice, lewdness, arrogance, and folly; we see it all in our children from time to time. We ask one another, “Where does he get this stuff from?” The Bible tells us it comes from the heart.” This truth applies to more than raising children. Others have also understood role of the heart. The heart is the most powerful of all human weapons. Class warfare is driven by the heart. History has shown that class warfare cannot be controlled by laws or even armies. The […]