Family Worship

8 posts

God With Us Front Cover

God With Us: Imagination Restored

In this video, Author Jeremy Pierre talks about how God With Us explores the question “What if you could see your life through a different set of eyes? — by telling the story of the Bible through the eyes of two angels as they watch the story unfold. The hardcover edition of God With Us is coming late fall 2021. Digital editions are available on Amazon Kindle and Google Play. Learn more and pre-order here.

God With Us Front Cover

God With Us: A Real, Not Ideal, World

In this video, author Jeremy Pierre talks about how “God With Us: A Journey Home” teaches children about the reality of living in this fallen world — about the things that are wrong inside of us (sin), the things that are wrong outside of us (suffering), and the hope and comfort from God in Jesus Christ. The hardcover edition of God With Us is coming late fall 2021. Digital editions are available on Amazon Kindle and Google Play. Learn more and pre-order here.

God With Us Front Cover

Introducing God With Us: A Journey Home

Shepherd Press is excited to announce God With Us: A Journey Home by Jeremy Pierre, with illustrations by Cassandra Clark. This world is not our home. We live east of Eden and short of Heaven. The earlier children understand this, the more sense they can make out of this sad, wonderful place. This storybook aims to shape their vision of the world as a place in-between, to awaken them to the brave journey they must take toward their true home—their home with God. In the video below, author Jeremy Pierre introduces God With Us and explains why he wrote a children’s storybook bible. Learn more and pre-order at

Stewardship for the Holidays

The Christmas gift giving season is often a time of conflict for believers and their families. There is a temptation to express our love for each other in ways that we cannot really afford financially. Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, has produced a twenty day study on stewardship that is the perfect way to prepare for the upcoming gift-giving season. The study only takes 15-20 minutes each day and this would be a valuable addition to your family worship time. This will help you and your family focus on what is truly valuable and provide needed perspective on what gifts are truly special. As always let me know your thoughts. We will come back to this issue as […]

Wisdom, the Gospel, and Your Children

No child is born wise. Wisdom is a skill that must be acquired. If you are waiting for your child to grow up and begin to make wise choices, you will be waiting a long time. Ruth Younts says that Christian “wisdom is knowing and understanding the truth, obeying the truth, and making wise decisions based on the truth.” This is why Proverbs is adamant that we must get wisdom. Imparting God’s wisdom is far more than information transfer. Providing God’s wisdom to your children begins with the gospel. Apart from embracing the gospel, no one will even desire to be biblically wise. Wisdom is living a life that is oriented toward God, toward honoring God in each decision that […]

With all Your Heart

Hear, O  Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD  your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. — Deuteronomy 6:4-6 And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the LORD’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good? — Deuteronomy 10:12-13 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" […]

Guide to Family Worship

Psalm 78 verse 4 says: We will not hide them from their children;        we will tell the next generation        the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,        his power, and the wonders he has done. An important component of shepherding your family is to have regular family worship. We are making available for you a free, downloadable guide to help you have a regular program of family worship. There is no better gift to give your children than coming together as a family to honor God. As you use this guide, let us know about it. In this way you can help encourage others in this important service to Christ. Download family_worship_guide.pdf