When we see our kids headed in the wrong direction, we want to help turn them around. But ultimately, it’s our child’s choice. Craig Svensson, author of The Painful Path of a Prodigal, talks about his son’s ongoing battle with drug addiction. While Craig and his wife tried every avenue possible to find him help, Eric continued to use. After fifteen years on and off the streets, and in and out of hospitals, Svensson tells how Eric lost his battle with addiction in January 2017, dying sick and alone at the age of thirty. Tune in to your local radio station, or listen here: FamilyLife Today: Making Beauty from Ashes with Craig Svensson, November 20, 2020
Craig Svensson, author of The Painful Path of a Prodigal, continues his story on FamilyLife Today. Craig thought moving and the change of scenery would be good for the family, especially his son, Eric, who was struggling with drug addiction. But Eric sought out the same kind of friends he had before. He was forced by the court to attend AA meetings, where he met more people with drug connections. Eventually, Eric’s addiction became dangerous for the family, and they asked him to move out. Svensson talks openly about the heartache involved in watching a son choose opposite values from you as he fell deeper into the abyss of addiction. Tune in to your local radio station, or listen here: FamilyLife […]
Craig Svensson, author of The Painful Path of a Prodigal, walks us through his son Eric’s painful journey with drugs and addiction. Beginning in elementary school, Eric’s drug abuse escalated around the age of 15. Though Craig talked to Eric repeatedly, and even had the police talk to him, nothing changed. After taking several steps to stop Eric’s drug use, including sending him to a special program and moving to another state, Craig and his wife continued to pray that Eric could be rescued from this downward spiral. Tune in on your local radio station, or listen here: FamilyLife Today: A Downward Turn with Craig Svensson – November 18, 2020
This week, the Biblical Counseling Coalition and the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship have both featured interviews with Nate Brooks & Anna Mondal, authors of the new LifeLine Mini-book Help! Our Sex Life is Troubled by Past Abuse. Check them out at the links below. You can buy the mini-book here. Why we wrote Help! Our Sex Life is Troubled by Past Abuse Nate Brooks: I want readers of this book to know that they are not alone, that their struggle is not a “weird” one, and that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and its implications offer them hope in the midst of sexual struggles due to past abuse. Sexual difficulties are rarely spoken of in the […]
J. Aaron White, author of Man Up, Kneel Down, was recently interviewed on the Reasonable Theology podcast. His book is currently available in ePub and Kindle ebook formats. The paperback is coming soon. Man Up Kneel Down: Shepherding Your Wife Toward Greater Joy in Jesus is a street-level, biblically saturated, gospel-centered guide for guys who want to lead their families well by serving their wives. With accessible chapters, humor, application questions, and more, Man Up Kneel Down offers the Christian husband a guide to shepherd his wife with intentionality amidst the demands of life.
This post concludes our interview with Nancy Ganz, author of Herein Is Love, a set of Bible commentaries designed specifically for children. We believe this series is unique, with thoroughly biblical material presented in a warm, flowing narrative. Parents, teachers, and children will gain fresh insights into the biblical texts, insights that will impact everyday life. If you have ever wondered how to make the Bible come alive to your children and to yourself, Herein is Love will do just that. This interview was first published in 2010. Jay Younts: We tend to look at the first books of the Bible as dry academic history. By contrast, your prose in retelling these stories is both lively and conversational.Why is this […]
Why teach your children about Leviticus? Today we continue our interview with Nancy Ganz, author of Herein Is Love. This is a set of Bible commentaries designed specifically for children. We believe this series is unique, with thoroughly biblical material presented in a warm, flowing narrative. Parents, teachers, and children will gain fresh insights into the biblical texts, insights that will impact everyday life. If you have ever wondered how to make the Bible come alive to your children and to yourself, Herein is Love will do just that. This interview was originally published in 2010. Jay Younts: Have you found that these commentaries have encouraged parents who perhaps don’t have much familiarity with the biblical narrative as they teach […]
Today we continue with our interview with Nancy Ganz, author of Herein Is Love. This is a set of Bible commentaries designed specifically for children. We believe this series to be unique. The material in these commentaries is thoroughly biblical and it is presented in a warm, richly flowing narrative. Parents, teachers and children will gain fresh insights into the biblical texts that will impact everyday life. If you have ever wondered about how to make the bible come alive to your children and to yourself, Herein is Love will do just that. This interview was originally published in 2010. Jay Younts: When you began writing Genesis were you thinking of just writing the one volume or did you envision […]
Nancy Ganz is author of the Herein is Love commentary series, a Bible commentary set for children. They are written following the model given to God’s people in Deuteronomy 6—that is, these books talk to children about God and his word. The writing is from the heart to the heart. In other words, the books are written from the heart of a mother and teacher passionately committed to teach the glory of God to her children. Then, the writing is directed to the hearts of children so that the things of God will be deeply impressed upon them. We believe this series to be unique. The material in these commentaries is thoroughly biblical, and it is presented in a warm, […]
“Just what is it the pastor is supposed to be doing? What ought to be his goals? We’re talking to Paul Tautges about his new book, Discipling the Flock: A Call to Faithful Shepherding. It’s brief, it’s to the point, and its massively important. We encourage you to get a copy for yourself and for all your church leaders.” Interview with Paul Tautges, author of DISCIPLING THE FLOCK: A CALL TO FAITHFUL SHEPHERDING Follow the link above to read the interview with Paul Tautges at Books at a Glance.