
2441 posts

How’s Your Relationship?

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Gifts were given. Some carefully planned and thoughtful, others, not so much. The flowers are in their vases, the chocolate has been enjoyed, the calendar has a new date. But the most important question still remains. How is your relationship? Did last night help to make it stronger? Do doubts still remain? Did the new morning bring new worries? The answers to these questions are found in the relationship that matters most – your relationship with God. Knowing and loving God gives significance to all other relationships. This morning after, one thing is certain above all others, God has not changed. He is constant. This means the content of love does not change. […]

Valentine’s Day: An Expression Of…

Flowers, chocolates, jewelry, romantic dinners — just a few of the symbols of that are expressions of the national day of love. As enjoyable as these tokens are, unless they express God’s meaning of love, they last but for the moment. Without the substance of love rooted in the truth of the Author of love, disappointment, frustration and broken dreams can be all that remains once the calendar changes to February 15th. Being human in a fallen world is a challenge. Being in human relationships only makes the challenge greater. Being “in love” is perhaps the most demanding, exhausting, consuming challenge of all. Love fueled by the sacrifice and commitment of Jesus Christ is the greatest gift one person can […]

A Cloudy Sunrise

No leaves are on the trees for a morning sun to show their breathtaking color palette. The clouds appear flat and dull without the sun’s brilliance to highlight their rich contours. There won’t be many photos this morning with comments proclaiming that the heavens are displaying the glory of God. No expressions of wow and awe. It is just another dull ordinary day. Really? No, the wonder of God’s creation is on display! How? You and I think this way when our minds are informed by what we want rather than by the beauty of God’s truth. The low lying clouds carry moisture that God uses to water his earth. Above them the sun radiates its power, as it always […]

Rotten Intentions

When there is interpersonal conflict we are often discouraged because our intentions are misunderstood. What we must remember is that our intentions don’t count. The person you are talking with is not a mind reader. What matters is how are our thoughts perceived. An intention that does not translate into being a benefit to someone is a rotten intention. Ephesians 4:29 Don’t let a single rotten word come from your mouths, but rather, whatever is good for constructively meeting problems that arise, so that your words may help those who hear.

May God Make It So

I watched the almost full moon set this morning against a dark, clear sky. The sun’s reflected light cast its shadows across the yard. The beauty and power of light in the darkness is a challenge to me this day to not be overwhelmed by the darkness of sin and its chaotic mess in our culture. I also have the light of the Son to reflect. May God make it so.  

Gentleness: A Gift To Your Family

Do you want your children to see you as someone they can trust? Do you want your spouse to take comfort in just being with you? Are you easy to talk to? Is your family hesitant to talk to you when they are hurting? If someone in your family messes up or is in trouble are you the person that helps him feel secure and safe, the person that she knows will help make things right? You want to be able to answer yes to these questions. In fact, you sometimes get angry and hurt when those close to you don’t seek your help.  Ironic, isn’t it? Here is a biblical quality that can help you become the go-to person […]

The Super Bowl: Revealing the Heart of America

Whether you watch the Super Bowl or not this annual spectacle tells you a great deal about the world your children inhabit. Proverbs 7 speaks a father looking out his window at the culture around him. This father used the view from his window to instruct his son about the dangers of life. The window of your television can afford you the same opportunity and obligation. This is much to learn about our culture from the game’s commercials. This year, 2017, these commercials cost 5.5 million dollars for a 30 second spot, and that does not include hundreds of thousands more for the production costs! The sponsors also spend a considerable amount of money and resources to learn what motivates […]

Joy When Life Is Hard

Life is hard. But as you think about the wonder of the Lord’s salvation, even when life is hard, especially when life is hard, there are times when pure joy should erupt in your soul. Psalm 126 records the journey of Israel going up to Jerusalem to worship. This psalm captures this joy. Laughter and praise flow freely in the psalm. This psalm is one that brings perspective. God has indeed rescued you from the pit. You are not treated as your sins deserve. You will know the joy of eternity with your Savior. Your tears of sorrow will turn into tears of joy. Life is hard, but Jesus has recused you and brings hope, joy and yes, even laughter. […]

Safe Sex: An Urban Legend

Teaching your children to honor God’s authority by obeying quickly and pleasantly has many blessings. One of these blessings is to learn to avoid the world’s wisdom, no matter how attractive it may appear. For example, there is the lie, the urban legend, that there can be safe sex outside of marriage. Modern man, in his proverbial darkened state, plunges ever deeper into darkness by seeking new and creative ways to say Yes to sex outside of marriage. This thinking brings a rising tide of the health risks and emotional wreckage that comes from the practice of “safe sex.” Safe sex outside of marriage is a deadly oxymoron of modern life. The truth is that any sex outside of marriage […]

Self-Control: The Gateway To Joy And Peace

Self-control is the fruit of the Spirit. It is the evidence of the Spirit’s work in the life of God’s people. This means more than just physical or mental discipline. Only someone who is born of the Spirit of God can practice biblical self-control. What this means is that self-control is the way to joy and peace in this life. Here is one biblically based definition of self-control: “Self-control is the ability to say no to my wrong desires and yes to what God wants me to do.” Saying yes to myself looks like freedom, but in reality leads to slavery. Saying yes to God may look like slavery, but it is the only path to freedom. Think about all […]