
163 posts

Kindness is not optional

Do your children see two types of parents? When things go well do they see parents that are content and pleased that things are under control? However, when things enter the twilight zone of disobedience and chaos do they see parents who are upset and whose only focus is to get things back under control, no matter what it takes? Kindness seems out of place in this twilight zone. But if God’s love for you is your model, kindness is always appropriate. Being kind does not mean you don’t discipline or correct. It does not mean you roll over and give your kids control of the house. It does not mean lowering standards. Being kind means that you show God […]

Are you mad at God?

“She makes me so mad, I can’t stand it!” “He thinks only of himself, he doesn’t care if he hurts me or not. It’s maddening.” Did you ever say or think words like these? Well, you are not alone. But, what do you gain by being mad, by being so angry you lose control? The answer: you don’t gain anything of value but you lose much that is valuable! Often, being mad brings such harm that the damage is difficult, if not impossible to repair. Of course, you think you have good reasons for being mad. You have been hurt and nothing will stand between you and your right to be mad. If you are miserable, then everyone else should […]

Authority Matters!

Oppressive. Harsh. Violently Anti-Christian. Tyrannical. All of these terms could be used to describe the Roman government at the time Paul wrote his letter to the Christians in Rome. Emperors singled out Christians for unspeakable persecution and torture. Against this background Paul’s words about authority are stunning. Given our modern attitude towards authority, one might expect Paul to be calling for non-violent, civil disobedience because of the often severe and unfair use of authority by the Roman government and her officials. But such thoughts would be wrong and offensive to God. Paul commands Christians to be subject to the ruling authorities. Look at what he says in Romans 13:1: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is […]

The gift of parental authority

Authority is a gift of God to his people and especially to families. Authority is often abused on the one hand and grossly neglected on the other. However, it is important not to frame one’s view of biblical authority based on the abuses of others. Viewing authority as gift requires something of an attitude adjustment for many. The world, under the direction of Satan (Ephesians 2:1-3) wants authority to be viewed as arbitrary, uncaring, stifling, and cruel.  Authority is said to curtail imagination, stunt creativity, restrict freedom, and diminish individual worth. These misconceptions have filtered down to families. In contrast let’s see how the Bible speaks about authority. The first thing to remember about Biblical human authority is that it […]

Protecting your children & Proverbs 16

Proverbs 16 provides wise instruction for establishing authority that will protect your children from the attacks of this world. Here are just some of the principals and their applications found in this fantastic chapter. Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever
you do,  and your plans will succeed. This is the starting point. The commitment indicated here is total. This verse is not to be thought of as an instant formula as in: Step one – commit my plan to God. Step two – success for my plan. The commitment mentioned here is one of giving your life totally over to God and his ways. This is not so much a single outcome as it as committing all of your life […]

Independence: Be careful what you declare

On July 4th, Americans celebrate their declaration of independence from England 239 years ago. While it might be good thing to gain independence from an overbearing government, it is wise to remember that independence from God is not only a disastrous  desire – it is impossible! Regardless of laws, judicial decrees, and presidential orders, God can never be excluded from the course of any nation. Independence from God, whether as a nation or as an individual, is not consistent with reality. Those who think otherwise are on a collision course with the Lord of the Universe. Let us pray that for many this collision will be with gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what Isaiah says about the possibility of […]

What to teach your kids about obedience

Parents want children who obey. But obedience is more than just coming when called. Obedience is about loving God. Obedience is not a way plea bargain with God, or to appease him, or to make yourself worthy in his eyes. Only the work of Christ can make things right with God. Obedience is simply a response of love and worship to God. With the psalmist your goal is to have your children say: The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. Psalm 19:8 Understood in this light, obedience is not something to use to gain a reward – obedience itself is the reward. Obedience is a […]

Hypocrisy: the parent trap!

Hypocrisy is something you cannot avoid. You tell your children not to fight and then your argue with your spouse. You tell your children God is in control and then you become angry or despondent with the circumstances of life. You tell your children to put God first, and then you realize you told them that for selfish reasons. What can you do? You can tell you children about your struggles with hypocrisy. Seek forgiveness, use pleasant words, and speak the truth seasoned with salt and love. Help them to see that you are engaged in the same battles that they face. Encourage your children to fight these battles with you. You have a choice. You can lead your children […]

The climate changes again – right on schedule!

Today is June 21. Depending on where you live it is either the beginning of winter or of summer. The next three months will bring climatic changes caused by heat, cold, drought, and violent storms across the planet. Animals will hibernate and crops will grow. Some will know abundance, others will know famine. Days will simultaneously grow longer and shorter. Three months from now the winds of the equinox will signal the arrival of spring and fall. This is all orchestrated by the Lord of the wind and the waves. God makes the climate change. Right on schedule! Today the Sun reached the Northern most point on its journey which began last December 21st. At precisely the right millisecond, at […]

Fathers didn’t just happen!

Fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, and families exist because of God’s exquisite plan. These roles and institutions did not evolve or become reality because of a legislative or community process. God ordained fathers and all the rest of the family structure. This divine institution has brought stability to the globe through out recorded history. Humans did not figure the family out as we went along. Rather, we followed the natural plan that God so wisely put in place from the the day of man’s creation in the garden! Until now. Or at least this is what the politically elite of today envision. But look at what has happened under the rule of the politically correct. There is no longer one definition […]